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Coach Ashanti is an entrepreneur, pastor and motivational speaker. Her passion is helping women go from potential to promise. She guides ambitious women to unlock their true potential and live a life of purpose and fulfillment through group coaching and her exclusive Potential to Promise Community. 
  • Brand Identity Design (logo) 
  • Website Revamp Design 
  • Print Collateral

"My experience with 4:10 Brands has been nothing short of splendid. As a coach, pastor, and full-time entrepreneur, I initially hired Mykayla to simply revamp my website. What started as a basic project quickly became one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. Mykayla is a kingdom-minded individual, which allowed me to freely share what the Lord has shown me. There’s something truly special about working with someone who not only understands but also shares in that vision. She truly saw who I was, and I constantly receive compliments on my website! And now she does everything for my brand visually." 
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